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Mechir Yayin
A Purim play writtten by Rabbi Moses Isserles (the 'Rema'), a remarkable example of Jewish literary and theatrical creativity in the 16th century. Renowned as a leading halakhic authority and commentator on the Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Isserles is best known for his influential contributions to Jewish law. -
Brit HaShalom...
Drashot (sermons) on the Five Megillot and the Seder Pesach Haggadah, originally printed at the end of the book Brit haShalom. -
Kontres mehagaon hagadol M[orenu] H[a]R[av] R[abbi] Vlk Katz Z"L Ba'al HaSma
Rabbi Eliyahu Katz, referred to as the Ba'al HaSma, an acronym for his work Sefer Me'irat Einayim. Rabbi Eliyahu Shapira Katz was a renowned rabbi and halachic authority who lived in the late 16th and early 17th centuries in Eastern Europe. Kontres is a small booklet formate for shorter essays and treatises by rabbis. -
Shaarei HaKedusha
The work is one of the most influential works in Jewish ethical and spiritual literature studied by generations of Jews seeking to improve their character and draw closer to God.
Rabbi Chaim Vital (1543–1620) was the foremost disciple of Rabbi Isaac Luria (the Arizal), the great Kabbalist of Safed. -
Sefer Mishlei Chiut / Mishlei Shoalim
Mishlei Chiut and Mishlei Shoalim are probably be two different approaches to understanding the teachings of Mishlei, attributed either directly or indirectly to the teachings of Rabbi Barachia bar Netronai. Rabbi Barachia bar Netronai was a Talmudic sage known for his insightful teachings on ethics, morality, and spiritual guidance. -
Shaar HaGemul
A theological work by Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban, Nachmanides, 1194-1270) explores the concepts of divine reward and punishment, the afterlife, and the ultimate destiny of the soul. -
Sefer Taharat Benot Yisrael
A book focused on the education and spiritual development of Jewish girls. Books like Taharat Benot Yisrael played an essential role in shaping the identity and spiritual focus of Jewish women in traditional communities. -
Sefer Tzava'ot veGam Divrei Kadoshim
The publication brings together tzava'ot (ethical wills) alongside divrei kadoshim (holy teachings) of various prominent rabbis. -
Kontres Matan Scharan shel Mitzvot
Joseph ben Meir Teomim (1727–1792) was a Galician rabbi, also named as Pri Megadim by title of his best known work. Kontres is a small booklet formate for shorter essays and treatises by rabbis. -
Seder Nusach Hakorbanot veUshpizin veHakafot
The work outlines Chassidic prayer customs, including the prayer order (nusach), prayers for sacrificial offerings (hakorbanot), welcoming the spiritual guests during Sukkot (ushpizin), and the Hakafot ritual on Simchat Torah. It provides detailed guidance on these rituals for spiritual connection in Jewish practice.
Rabbi Chaim Halberstamm (1793-1876) was a prominent Chassidic rabbi in Zanz (Nowy Sącz) known as known as the Divrei Chaim after the title of his writing. His grandson Moshe Halberstamm was a rabbi in Bardejov.