Slovak Jewish Heritage Database

Slovak Jewish Heritage database

© Jewish Heritage Foundation – Menorah, 2023. This database exhibits both qualitatively and quantitatively substantial input into the acquisition, validation and demonstration of its content. The creator of the database shall have the exclusive right to use the database and to grant consent to extract or reutilize all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of the database. The placement of database content on other sites, its dissemination through print and other media is possible only with the written permission of the author.

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Mechir Yayin

A Purim play writtten by Rabbi Moses Isserles (the 'Rema'), a remarkable example of Jewish literary and theatrical creativity in the 16th century.…

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Brit HaShalom...

Drashot (sermons) on the Five Megillot and the Seder Pesach Haggadah, originally printed at the end of the book Brit haShalom.

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Kontres mehagaon hagadol M[orenu] H[a]R[av] R[abbi] Vlk Katz Z"L Ba'al HaSma

Rabbi Eliyahu Katz, referred to as the Ba'al HaSma, an acronym for his work Sefer Me'irat Einayim. Rabbi Eliyahu Shapira Katz was a renowned rabbi and…

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Shaarei HaKedusha

The work is one of the most influential works in Jewish ethical and spiritual literature studied by generations of Jews seeking to improve their…

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Sefer Mishlei Chiut / Mishlei Shoalim

Mishlei Chiut and Mishlei Shoalim are probably be two different approaches to understanding the teachings of Mishlei, attributed either directly or…

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Shaar HaGemul

A theological work by Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban, Nachmanides, 1194-1270) explores the concepts of divine reward and punishment, the afterlife,…

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