Slovak Jewish Heritage Database

Browse Items (168 total)

  • ZM-D--1897--1_2--2019_05_10--L1.jpg
  • ŽM-D-2113 BJ5.jpg

    The work outlines Chassidic prayer customs, including the prayer order (nusach), prayers for sacrificial offerings (hakorbanot), welcoming the spiritual guests during Sukkot (ushpizin), and the Hakafot ritual on Simchat Torah. It provides detailed guidance on these rituals for spiritual connection in Jewish practice.
    Rabbi Chaim Halberstamm (1793-1876) was a prominent Chassidic rabbi in Zanz (Nowy Sącz) known as known as the Divrei Chaim after the title of his writing. His grandson Moshe Halberstamm was a rabbi in Bardejov.
  • ZM-D--1910--1_2--2019_05_10--L1.jpg
  • ŽM-D-2113 BJ11.jpg

    The work is one of the most influential works in Jewish ethical and spiritual literature studied by generations of Jews seeking to improve their character and draw closer to God.
    Rabbi Chaim Vital (1543–1620) was the foremost disciple of Rabbi Isaac Luria (the Arizal), the great Kabbalist of Safed.
  • ZM-D--1993--1_2--2019_05_10--L1.jpg

    Commemorating Julia Landsmann, née Pollak, deceased July 22, 1896
  • ZM-D--1912--1_2--2019_05_07--L1_print.jpg
  • ZM-D--1903--1_2--2019_05_10--L1.jpg
  • ZM-D--1605-III-368--1_2--2019_05_09--L1_print.jpg

    Dedicated to Josef Zvi Heller by his son
  • ZM-D--1680_III-656--1_1--2019_05_07--L1_print.jpg
  • ZM-D--1720_III-935--1_1--2019_05_07--L1_print.jpg
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